Learn to Ski in just one weekend

Learn to Ski in just one weekend

You are a weekend warrior

Wish you could learn to ski without spending weeks trudging around the slopes? Sign up for SkiWithMe's Weekend Warriors in the Ski-in3 program will be cruising and gliding safely with confidence over one short weekend
How does it work?
Friday eve is equipment fitting - usually followed with fire-side fellowship
Saturday, it's lessons sandwiching around a hearty lunch
Sunday morning a culminating lesson is followed by a free-ski session
Ski in three, we guarantee.
Ski-in3 or go on free!

Then you can opt to progress from a shaky beginner to competent cruiser to advanced expert with your very own Mountain Pro

So I learned how to ski in just one weekend! Check out this video from today, after only 2 days of lessons! Thanks to my camerawoman Elizabeth Fields

Posted by Dave Blue Fields on Sunday, March 1, 2020