My1stSki (m1s) begins with winter outdoor education essentially opens the SkiWithMe (SWM), Ski-in3 program to all comers. And our full program stretches through all 12 months as interest dictates.
My1stSki is a community outreach available to underprivileged kids and underserved communities by facilitating innovative pathways that call for personal responsibility and accompanied with accountability.
Simply giving anything away often can note said has no value. Families are asked to pay according to their ability and the honor system. But m1s ploughs pathways over which interested kids can "earn" their admission and meet the costs of their program.
Prior to slopeside visitations, successful candidates will completion of various assignments in the classroom as well as their neighborhoods. One of the assignments involves the students minting their own nonfungible tokens which are then stored In digital wallets and eventually utilized for My1stSki and ensuing related programs.
In recognition of certain dire needs or extreme circumstances, m1s has a scholarship fund that essentially guarantees no one is left behind- out on the streets.
Depended upon community resources, m1s often strives to include:
My1stSki (m1s) delivers winter activity and outdoor education essentially opening accessibility to all through a scholarship fund to inclusively deliver the Ski-in3 program.
My1stSki is a community outreach available to underprivileged kids and underserved communities by facilitating innovative pathways that call for personal responsibility and accountability focused on strengthened sustainable neighborhoods.
Simply giving anything away often can note said hies as no value. My1stSki offers paths by which motivated kids can "earn" their way and further advance
Students can extent their activities throughout all 12 months of the year with ancillary programs of experiential learning.